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ALIGN for Schools

ALIGN for Schools is a programme developed to support emotional wellbeing and mental health in children. 
It aims to help children to have a tool to deal with the bumpy journey of life. Through a mixture of techniques including positive psychology, NLP, mindfulness and meditation children learn how to release negative thoughts and emotions and align to more positive ones, whilst developing self confidence, 
self esteem and emotional literacy.
Using a technique called the sway, children can tap into how they are feeling subconsciously and to navigate those feelings, thoughts and beliefs, before releasing them and aligning to more positive ones.

There are several options available:

ALIGN 121 - tailored to meet the needs of the individual.

ALIGN 30 - 6 week programme focused purely on the core principles of the ALIGN programme (30 minutes with groups of 6 children)

ALIGN 60 - 6 week programme incorporating the core principles of the ALIGN programme along with creativity and connecting with nature to enhance positivity. (60 minutes with groups of 6 children)


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